Did You Know?...

  • Haiti is a FIFTH world country.
  • The average life expectancy is 53 years old.
  • 75% of Haiti's population is under 25 years old.
  • Cholera has contaminated most of the rivers.
  • Clean drinking water is scarce.
  • Because of overpopulation, Haiti is 99% deforested.
  • Because Haiti has virtually no trees, fertile top soil erodes into the ocean.
  • Haiti has to import 60% of its food because of polluted water and infertile soil.
  • There is over 80% unemployment.
  • Average income is $225 a year.
  • Most families can only afford to send one child, if any, to school. 
  • There is a 50% illiteracy rate.

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    Before moving to Haiti, Nicky and Kristie lived in Hendersonville, NC. They have two children, Xander and Ellie. Nicky was previously involved in the construction industry and Kristie was working in dental care. Their first mission trip to Haiti was in 2001 where they led teams of young adults in life-changing experiences. The Lord spoke to them concerning full-time mission work during their 3-month Haitian trip in 2002. Nicky and Kristie believe God has called them to fulfill His leading and are seeking prayer and financial support from fellow Christians.

    Global Outreach is an International missions agency for both short-term volunteers and career missionaries. Global Outreach Haiti is located on a 66 acre compound in TiTanyen, Haiti.